Wife traffic accident dies, I look after children preparation is married again, mother-in-law says a

I and wife are typical rural person, wife is the woman of goodness of an a person's mind, her goodness is successive completely of her mother. My parents leaves with respect to in pairs when I am very small, I am to be in front of grandfather grandma grown.

Although I was not taken an examination of,attend a college, but also learned skill fine craftsmanship in the county, what also work in 4S maintenance shop now is pretty good, although bribe a few tiredder, but water of every monthly pay is pretty good.

Wife still is the same as the accountant introduction in 4S inn to give me understanding, the boudoir that is her is sweet, meet for the first time we as if to liked tacitly to go up each other, wife says I am simple and honest, kind-hearted, the mainest still is filial, she likes filial man.

Wife traffic accident dies, I look after children preparation is married again, mother-in-law says a word, I am frightened for life marry no longer!

We married so, mother-in-law knows I am orphan, when marrying so she a minute of betrothal gifts did not want, after saying to want me only, be opposite her daughter is good go, I am touched weep, forgot to say wife her father also died when she is very small, in the home with respect to her a child.

After marrying, I am mixed wife affection all the time very good, but something unexpected may happen any time, marry the 3rd year because wife gave traffic accident to leave the world, that paragraph of time I am overwhelmed with sorrow, wife sads so of silence went, leave the son that is less than 2 years old only.

After wife goes, mother-in-law worries about for me son, I continue to work earn money, also thanksed to mother-in-law, I just walk over from inside the sadness that loses a wife, can have paragraph of time, mother-in-law body is bad also, myself receives the son came back to take care of period of time.

Wait for oneself to worry about son when, what I just discover the life is not easy, the son is young still, my old man worries about he is no good really, so I produced the think of a way that seeks a woman again.

Wife traffic accident dies, I look after children preparation is married again, mother-in-law says a word, I am frightened for life marry no longer!

Classics friend introduces later, I play a widow that heard adjacent village, the husband also died she is a few years ago, also do not have the child, a life lived a few years. When can saying with her when me myself still has a child, her complexion immediately very embarrassed, still say can arrive with sending the child mother-in-law there go, because she also thinks,want a child with me.

But mother-in-law body is bad also, I send her impossibly the child again, that widow listens to me so say what say more bad also, of one face loath, but also did not reject me.

Mother-in-law waits after telling her when me old, I should receive her to come over to take care of her filial she, the widow listens to anxious eye, still say I take a bottle pulling oil she had tolerated quite, come to again even later, she says to be no good stoutly.

Wife traffic accident dies, I look after children preparation is married again, mother-in-law says a word, I am frightened for life marry no longer!

This thing was heard very quickly by mother-in-law, she runs to my home hurriedly, crying to say a son with me she can take adopt, no matter I marry what kind of woman, the one's own child that that woman treats a son to won't resemble waiting for her is same, she does not need my support, still tell me she asks to be in to that widow village bearing is bad, still have with a few men catch, let me look at look for a woman to live well.

Listen to mother-in-law one time I frighten the word the face is greenly, my abashed request mother-in-law is excused, before her face I made a telephone call to that widow, put forward to part company with her, and I promise mother-in-law, I won't marry wife again after, let her be at ease. Friends, do you say me is such decision good be bad? If I do not remarry, child mother-in-law is about to worry about give a lot of care, how don't I also know I should do now? The opinion with good what do you have?

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