See eventually " see with disappear " full text, too beautiful

See eventually " see with disappear " full text, too beautiful

6 worlds are amounted to (1683-1706) storehouse Yangjiacuo, everybody remembers him circulating very wide " see with disappear " . The life on this Tibet history is blurred, have talent extremely again, also most the Lama that gets dispute, drew up his only beautiful aspirations.


Who, hold my hand, collect I half world is crackers;

Who, kiss my eye, block I half world flows from;

Who, stroke my face, comfort my half world grief;

Who, carry my heart, be in harmony my half world austerity;

Who, help my shoulder up, drive my generation becomes silent.

Who, call out my heart, attack by surprise Li of my lifetime rise high.

Who, abandon me and go, leave my generation to die young alone;

Who, but bright my meaning, make I this is unripe without regret;

Who, can help my arm, freely 10 thousand carry incomparable;

Who, but bend my heart, very little earth just is like empty cover;

Who, but bury my sorrowful, laugh at unfounded of heaven and earth, my hearts are mad.

Yi, fu my lip, my preexistence sheds dispel from;

Yi, pull my bosom, divide me preexistence is flirtatious.

Hold your hand, accompany you crazy mad 1000 unripe;

Soul kiss child eye, accompany metempsychosis of your all ages.

Hold your hand, in all frost of your one public morals;

Kiss child eye, give you generation deep feeling.

Me, pull Er jade hand, receive you this is unripe all;

Me, stroke Er beautiful neck, block you this gives birth to harships.

Grant, pull child black hair, pull child generation affection is thought of;

Grant, hold your hand, go to generation affection to grow in all;

Ever, the name with father, avoid you lifetime is sad;

Ever, pity child affection, wish you lifetime is restful!

See eventually " see with disappear " full text, too beautiful

02. " that generation "

That momently, I raise storm horse,

Do not be beg blessing, it is expect only your arrival;

That day, shut eye to be in Jing Dianxiang mist,

Suddenly hears, the true character in your eulogy classics;

That day, base removes Manidui,

Do not be long heart, it is the cobble of overhand heart lake only;

That one night, I listened to one old Buddhist to sing,

Do not realize to join, it is a flavor that finds you only;

That in January, I am jolty all classics canisters,

Do not be release souls from purgatory, it is the finger tip that feels you only;

That year, knock long head is procumbent in hill road,

Do not be present oneself before an emperor, it is the warmth that sticking you only;

That generation, turn hill turns water turns tope,

Do not be long a future life, in be road only, meet with you;

That an instant, I fly rise celestial being,

Do not be immortal, it is bless only you are fond of in safety happy!

See eventually " see with disappear " full text, too beautiful


The first had better not meet, can not be in love so;

The 2nd had better not know each other well, such but not lovesickness;

The 3rd had better not accompany, can not owe so;

The 4th had better not photograph cherish, can not recall so;

The 5th had better not love each other, can not abandon so;

The 6th had better not opposite, can not encounter so;

The 7th had better not by accident, can not lose so;

The 8th had better not make, such but not photograph add;

The 9th had better not depend on each other, such but not photograph lean close to;

The 10th had better not encounter, can not get together so;

But ever met to know each other well, meet when how about disappears;

Install with gentleman photograph bid farewell absolutely, avoid teach life and death to make lovesickness.

See eventually " see with disappear " full text, too beautiful

04. " see with disappear "

You see, perhaps do not see me,

I am over there,

Not Bei is fond of.

You read aloud, perhaps do not read aloud me,

Affection is over there,

Will not do not go.

You love, perhaps do not love me,

Love is over there,

Do not add do not decrease.

You follow, perhaps do not follow me,

My hand is in your hand,

Do not abandon do not abandon.

Come in my bosom,


Let my occupy in your heart,

Silent loves each other,

Hush jubilates.

See eventually " see with disappear " full text, too beautiful


Occupy the Potala Palace,

I am the king with snow the oldest territory.

Roam about in Lhasa street,

I am worldly the most beautiful beau.

With Majiami more lifelike,

Fear travel of amorous caustic Buddhist oneself,

Be afraid of again into hill by accident bend city,

Worldly how to get way of complete in both respects,

Not negative Buddha is not lost dear.

See eventually " see with disappear " full text, too beautiful

06. " I ask Buddha "

I ask Buddha: Why to spend the appearance that closes a month to all woman be ashamed?

Buddha says: Be broad-leaved epiphyllum only then show, use the eye with lay becloud.

Without what the United States can have touched the heart of a pure kindheartedness,

I grant it to each woman,

But somebody let it cheat ash.

I ask Buddha: Worldly why to have so much regret?

Buddha says: This is world of a dancing, dancing regrets namely.

Did not regret, to you again much happiness also won't experience joy.

I ask Buddha: The heart that how lets people feels alone no longer?

Buddha says: Each heart is alone and misshapen natively,

Majority is taking this to plant misshapen spend lifetime,

When encountering because of as other as what can make it satisfactory in part only,

Not be to be missed cursorily, already lost the qualification that possesses it namely.

I ask Buddha: If encountered the person that can love, how be afraid that intangibility should do again however?

Buddha says: Leave the world to more or less love, the world that greet float 1000 change again,

With the lover, do happy thing,

Asking is disaster it is a predestined relationship.

See eventually " see with disappear " full text, too beautiful

I ask Buddha: How can you just be like you kind sagacious?

Buddha says: Buddha is a n experienced person, the person is prospective Buddha.

Buddha is temporal cent 10 bounds: Buddha, bodhisattva, sound is heard, the predestined relationship becomes aware, day, a Xiuluo, person, brute, ghoul, tartarean.

Day, a Xiuluo, person, brute, ghoul, tartarean, for 6 all living creatures.

6 all living creatures should experience metempsychosis of cause and effect, experience anguish from which.

In experiencing painful process, join the essence that shows life only, ability gets eternal life.

Phoenix, nirvana.

Buddha says: Life has 8 pain: Unripe, old, ill, dead, love take leave of, complain long, beg must not, do not put.

Buddha says: Life by oneself go to, be born by the heart, temporal all is to change, the heart is not moved, neither of everythings on earth is moved, the heart is changeless, neither of everythings on earth changes.

Buddha says: Sit also buddhist, hang Yichan, spend generation bound, one leaf one Buddha, spring come Hua Ziqing, qiu Zhixie adrift, boundless kind if the heart is comfortable, system of language silent sound is natural.

Buddha says: 10 thousand laws are all strange, all tie lot, accidental encountering, dusk like that turn one's head, be destined each other lifetime, make the split second that collect for eye only.

Genesis destroys namely, the predestined relationship is strange empty already.

I ever also was like you kind innocent.

See eventually " see with disappear " full text, too beautiful

Say a person realizes in Buddhism have 3 level: Collate is broken, put down, comfortable.

Really, a person must want put down, ability gets comfortable.

I ask Buddha: Why be always my sadness when snow?

Buddha says: Be about to go in the winter, stationary point memory.

I ask Buddha: Why is snowing every time the night that I pay no attention to?

Buddha says: Casual when people always can miss a lot of real beauty.

I ask Buddha: A few days does that pass to still issue no less than snow?

Buddha says: Staring at this season only, missed today winter.

See eventually " see with disappear " full text, too beautiful

07. " no title "

I understand eventually,

Worldly have a kind of feeling,

Cannot use verbal appearance,

Straightforward and distressed.

The 1000 knots of echo 100 circle,

And of expect is,


Be like the highland below moon,

A light crazy crazy laugh.

Laugh at that buckish fall, if moonlight is washed,

Laugh at that quiet to die however, flying 10 thousand.

Who is the lily that vibrates gently then,

The extend below the Qing Hui in you is ancient changeless.

Who has the double eye with that enthusiastic brilliant,

Aid is involved in your nod and go up.

Distant sadness,

Cross 1000 mountain 10 thousand water.

The wind on even if highland,

Blow do not come loose,

Persistent back.

The frost before even if early morning,

Be in harmony is not changed,

Of mind tepid.

You are static defend fall in the month.


I also begin to repair a heart.

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