Because doubt gets on a car to meet with refus old person of 7 a period of ten days the umbrella is

On August 18 morning, what driver of 28 one buses austral the Huaihe River suffers old person of a 7 a period of ten days is cruel dozen.

That day in the morning, because sail when entering drive from the platform, ask to get on a car in car,doubt of this old person is like, the driver did not let the car on him bring its to resent. This old person awaits this public transportation driver to return outside terminus driver anteroom subsequently, when till this driver drives after a many hour,standing, the old person is direct get on a car to hold umbrella for many times stroke this driver back, head. Break entirely till umbrella bring up the rear, this old person still nots comply not the shout abuse of forgive.

In meet with cruel in making a process, this driver is hit humeral ministry blueness is swollenly, bearing tremendous grievance and ache, hold a head in the arms with the hand, did not return mouth and strike back from beginning to end.

At present local police already got involved investigation.

未经允许不得转载:News » Because doubt gets on a car to meet with refus old person of 7 a period of ten days the umbrella is