General Beijing issues stern warning, swear to make reprisals to be able to allow conspiratorial hav

Civil / Yang Bin country

Russia satellite network reported on September 1: Duniecike fights Basulin of headquarters assistant commanding officer expresses, in Zahaerqinke authorities discovers the Duniecike after be murdered, wu Kelan army already entered a battle to prepare in osculatory line. People republic leader plunges into the Duniecike that announces to hold water by oneself adviser of family of haing Er musical instrument blocks Zakefu to express, message of people republic government weighs Duniecike, equipment of Wu Kelan armor in Woernuowaha Duoku direction advances Qiayefu quickly. To this Niecike the first a group army mixes people republic other unit because the shift of Wu Kelan armament already obtained caution.

General Beijing issues stern warning, swear to make reprisals to be able to allow conspiratorial have one's way anything but, black overcomes Lan Quanjun guard

Du Nie Ci overcomes leader of people republic representative to pull Peicinikefu to express to the reporter especially, because several people are suspected of plot a murder plunging into Haerqinke to be arrested, they admit this second horror makes a surprise attack to be planned by Wu Kelan respect. General capital makes known his position to say in moment: "Real people leader, hope the organizer of this one crime and executant will be punished duely. " Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs claims: "Have all sorts of reason speculation, zahaerqinke be murdered and base complementary political power is concerned, it uses similar measure to kill the person of the meaning that hold other and disagreement intention for many times. It uses similar measure to kill the person of the meaning that hold other and disagreement intention for many times..

The country comments on Yang Bin: Although all sorts of censuring,point to spearhead Wu Kelan authorities, but absolutely deny of Wu Kelan authorities is him plan the assassinate yesterday acts. Pointing out instead is the result that authorities contend for power and profit creates Duniecike. But from Dubaside warden period military affairs confronts each other and Wu Kelan move looks recently, the motive reason of suspicion of Wu Kelan authorities is most sufficient.

Shen Ke of pineapple of Wu Kelan's president is the closest the day is extremely uneasy, what after assuming office, Wu Kelan condition changes is more bad. Be thought to be without a stratagem which ensures success in coming election. Moshenke is in season of premier of the belle before another tycoon all the time vigorous activity, already serious menace arrived be reappointed consecutively of pineapple Shen Ke. Be in last during president of Finnish beauty Russia meets, moshenke runs season actively strive for can see beautiful Russia president is striven for add cent, although fail to succeed, but still get many effects.

General Beijing issues stern warning, swear to make reprisals to be able to allow conspiratorial have one's way anything but, black overcomes Lan Quanjun guard

Wu Kelan erupts from 2014 the crisis, presidential Yanukeweiji is driven before nonofficeholding. After politics transfers, pineapple Shen Ke appears on the stage through the election. But the be apt to of extensive of achievement in one's post of pineapple Shen Ke after be in office but old, imbroglio of economy of Wu Kelan country. The Wu Kelan fall of industrial power enters support United States and even west " relieve " fare. Heavy industry closes down in succession, national suffer a disastrous decline. Government of pineapple Shen Ke is without contribute in home, ceaseless instead to the United States ceaseless " borrow money " , agreed many " slashing condition " .

Shen Ke sends the pineapple of be irresolute when firmness is needed of make things difficult for others ceaselessly arms to Dubaside the area is made " tight situation " . Announce to want to join early or late " north is made an appointment with " and " European Union " . Plan to exit " alone couplet body " and " good treaty of Russian Wu You " . Complete a pair with Russia break with, swing to western manner completely. Be in office in home Shen Ke is in the pineapple that ability is oppugned badly apparently risk danger in desperation, push Wukelan to the brim of war of ground predestined relationship ceaselessly for be reappointed consecutively, appropriative United States " pawn " .

The beautiful national capital that present Wu Kelan government supports even its sees no less than going to, telangpu censures publicly, should not help Wukelan again this " corrupt and flush " government, american money by " embezzled " , did not use this used place. But final United States still is in pass recently " international Monetary Fund " to Wukelan " pour blood " . Pineapple Shen Ke's closest politics adventure is very frequent, announce to join north to be mixed about early or late after the European Union, announce to quit several safe agreements that sign with Russia and international organization ceaselessly next. Across west media reports, wu Kelan is obtaining the weapon that the United States helps, advanced line pass on sold a Ba Si area to arm. Final United States must not be absent " javelin " antitank do on missile " hands or feet " in case technical divulge a secret.

General Beijing issues stern warning, swear to make reprisals to be able to allow conspiratorial have one's way anything but, black overcomes Lan Quanjun guard

Several after becoming independent from Wukelan " concussion " make clear, wu Kelan because the cause of situation. Cannot choose pure between the west and Russia stand in line. Can act as only bridge, and cannot earmark castle. Of Yanukeweiji do one's utmost of towards the left and pineapple Shen Ke to the utmost towards the left, final metropolis brings very serious result. Be in beautiful Russia instead both sides can the Shen Ke of ex-premier Ji Mo of do a job with skill and ease is in office period, got beautiful Europe and Russia are approbated at the same time at the same time.

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