Does China have only China be and in A? This China enterprise forces beautiful look forward to go ba

Respecting China is famous in the enterprise of the world, a lot of people can think of China be and Alibaba. Actually, in a few industries, china has the place that hold the balance on the world, even global market forestall.

The unmanned aircraft tycoon that is China then -- big border.

Does China have only China be and in A? This China enterprise forces beautiful look forward to go bankrupt, market of forestall whole world!

Recently, the intermediary outside occupying reports, the United States is the biggest Aierweier announces the most well-known unmanned aircraft company suspensive operation. Play machine amount to a person to should know this company, its also are reputation big a confusion of voices in unmanned machine industry. Well, how to announce suddenly to suspend operation?

Does China have only China be and in A? This China enterprise forces beautiful look forward to go bankrupt, market of forestall whole world!

The outside guesses this follows among them big border having very big concern, why so say? Man-machine market is not had in the whole world nowadays, big border it may be said is a Xiang Pi enemy, be without adversary. If say big border almost forestall whole world does not have man-machine market, exaggerative not at all.

Nowadays big border, use unmanned machine to industry, agriculture, business greatly, small pat to boat, man-machine is not had on the palm, its type it may be said is to spread all over sort of whole and unmanned aircraft. Ever by should " economics person " the magazine is judged for " the whole world has one of representative robots most " , and " product of 10 old science and technology " wait a title a moment.

Does China have only China be and in A? This China enterprise forces beautiful look forward to go bankrupt, market of forestall whole world!

All over the world, be fond of the people that boat flies to, in order to have big border without man-machine pride. Show according to newest data, big border in its profit, 80% come from an international market! In this 80% in, again 6 is become come from North America area! Namely the United States!

Undeniable, big border the attainment in unmanned aircraft side, the whole world can surmount his without an any enterprises. Make even robot research and development special the Japan that develop, right big border also be too far behind to catch up with!


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