[night is read] clever person, all one's life, 5 do not say

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[night is read] clever person, all one's life, 5 do not say

Saying path: Get ill by the mouth, out of the mouth comes evil. . The mouth does not have the person of block, draw on needless trouble very likely.

Conversation is a knowledge, conversation is simple, but can talk however not simple.

Clever person, know what should say, what ought not to say, do not say these 5 kinds of words all one's life.


Hopeful person, do not say despondent word.

A few bank that stride hard won't encounter? Those should encounter difficulty to feel to did not come only a gloomy, person that abandons hold to and growing, very sad also go up to live ideally.

Person, without giving thought to when, cannot desertion hope. We were not to see the hope just goes hard, tried hard to just can see a hope however.

Besides life and death, everything is bagatelle. No matter encounter what irritated worry, do not want too embarrassed oneself.

Again difficult, life suffers from life again, complain cannot solve any problems, be inferior to arranging good intention condition, set out afresh.


Honest person, do not say lie.

An adage cries, "Bright person does not do dark thing, true person does not say lie " . Honest person, be an upright person work unashamed, won't cheat anybody. Do the thing that pass, need not cloak; Love the person that pass, need not deny.

A person said a lie, stop very hard. Because for round lie, he must make up a more lie, such, can jump over defect in lair deeper.

Do not grow all one's life, do a honest person, do not say lie, perform real deeds more, need a person sincerely.


Dependable person, not mouth-filling.

Mouth-filling person, often peacockish, keen on face-saving not deal with concrete matters relating to work, like to boast at ordinary times oneself are much fiercer, when waiting for real need to send them to enter the court, do not take however give true ability.

And truly fierce person, it is high-key work, low-key be an upright person. They are resolved should do what thing, soundless ground goes doing, won't knock gong feel uncertain to tell others absolutely. Because they are clear, as mouth-filling as its, be inferior to handling affairs firm, do a person that relies on chart truly.

Do a person that has self-knowledge, not mouth-filling, not vaunting ostentation, hardheaded be an upright person work.


Genuine person, not soft-soap.

Person and person get along, sincerity is the most important. Flatter blindly others, can let the other side look only low you; Flatter highbrowly others, also can make others embarrassed.

So, each complimentary should send from the heart, is not hypocrisy flattery.

It is not easy that the person lives all one's life, do not jubilate to denounce others as far as possible and do against one's will thing, say against one's will word.

Open-armed ability changes the real situation, little fawn on, not sedulous flattery is adulatory, not adulatory, do not cater to. Give ego alive, just consider not white bearer worldly.


Well-advised person, do not speak ill of others privately.

Telltale person enrols a person to like least of all. Some people, oneself life gets chaos too, however time and energy comment on the life of others.

See through does not say to defeat, it is the great wisdom of life occasionally. A well-advised person, won't informal eristic a form of address formally used by an employee to his employer or a tenant-peasant to his landlord is long, on the west the home is short.

Survive, wish we do a meeting talker.


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