Singapore is in China invest 24 billion project completion, chongqing as before controversy is cease

Yesterday, xiao Lan sits from mouth of Chongqing river north ferry heads for day day door, suddenly discovery causes Chongqing citizen of tremendous controversy come Fu Shian field " Chao Tianyang sail " had been about completion, the pattern in the building also sees just a little, workers are hanged in the intense job between skyscraper to wear. Say blessing person, it is some financial group is in Singapore China the biggest project of investment, gross 24 billion yuan, from original decision construction is caused is tremendous controversy, everybody does not have because of Chongqing of settle of so big project excitement, cause intense dissatisfaction instead. Yesterday, xiao Lan sits from mouth of Chongqing river north ferry heads for day day door, suddenly discovery causes Chongqing citizen of tremendous controversy come Fu Shian field " Chao Tianyang sail " had been about completion, the pattern in the building also sees just a little, workers are hanged in the intense job between skyscraper to wear. Say blessing person, it is some financial group is in Singapore China the biggest project of investment, gross 24 billion yuan, from original decision construction is caused is tremendous controversy, everybody does not have because of Chongqing of settle of so big project excitement, cause intense dissatisfaction instead. First for say blessing person square, its total investment 24 billion, gross area 110 square metre, in exceeding a building of skirt of a high-level building tower, commerce, sky by 8, crystal Lian Lang is comprised, highest two buildings have 356 meters, covered the form a complete set such as hotel of class of high-end residence, commerce, office, 5 stars, did not come here to be able to become the floor with top Chongqing and the costliest Cbd. The stylist of this project is Safudi of Great Master of building design group, he ever designed sanded hotel of Singapore bay gold, chongqing comes blessing person and likeness of height of golden sanded hotel, someone says it is mountain fastness, but be hotel of the sand that press gold actually at first upgrade edition go making. First for say blessing person square, its total investment 24 billion, gross area 110 square metre, in exceeding a building of skirt of a high-level building tower, commerce, sky by 8, crystal Lian Lang is comprised, highest two buildings have 356 meters, covered the form a complete set such as hotel of class of high-end residence, commerce, office, 5 stars, did not come here to be able to become the floor with top Chongqing and the costliest Cbd. The stylist of this project is Safudi of Great Master of building design group, he ever designed sanded hotel of Singapore bay gold, chongqing comes blessing person and likeness of height of golden sanded hotel, someone says it is mountain fastness, but be hotel of the sand that press gold actually at first upgrade edition go making. Again for dock of door of day saying day, be located in the Yangtse River and fine hill river toward day door dock hand in collect place, it is the start of Chongqing dock culture, also be old Chongqing one of seventeen city gate, never mention it Chongqing person, be opposite even foreigner the love of day day door is very deep, chongqing native every like to come here to summer heat of fly a kite, dabble, disappear, those who experience old Chongqing is honest and simple, foreigner comes to what sure meeting goes to Chongqing city to play card toward day door, because of here accumulate the dock culture that containing Chongqing, chaffy dish culture, recording urban preexistence and this life. Again for dock of door of day saying day, be located in the Yangtse River and fine hill river toward day door dock hand in collect place, it is the start of Chongqing dock culture, also be old Chongqing one of seventeen city gate, never mention it Chongqing person, be opposite even foreigner the love of day day door is very deep, chongqing native every like to come here to summer heat of fly a kite, dabble, disappear, those who experience old Chongqing is honest and simple, foreigner comes to what sure meeting goes to Chongqing city to play card toward day door, because of here accumulate the dock culture that containing Chongqing, chaffy dish culture, recording urban preexistence and this life. So why controversy is like is this intense? Someone says blessing person those who build the peninsula in destroying change is geomantic, look from far, it resembles a strange animal opening an arm, the major building that makes change medium envelops the shadow in it to fall, feel the depression gets a choking. The high-rise of the Yangtse River, sky can be looked into so in the area in change, a person's back that opens a window to also can see this high-rise only now just. So why controversy is like is this intense? Someone says blessing person those who build the peninsula in destroying change is geomantic, look from far, it resembles a strange animal opening an arm, the major building that makes change medium envelops the shadow in it to fall, feel the depression gets a choking. The high-rise of the Yangtse River, sky can be looked into so in the area in change, a person's back that opens a window to also can see this high-rise only now just. Visit the area in change from river north mouth and south bank area, come the main body building of blessing person is as seeing thick wall stand over the old port city of vicissitudes of life, guiding back thickly dotted, short the reinforced concrete forest of most cut, have quite turn up one's nose at the imply of a large number of heroes, but also let a person feel weightlessness at the same time. We play port city of big day day door to be below its contrast as a child, small old old, more resemble coming an atrium small square of blessing person. This lets me remember look down at from headroom emancipatory tablet, it is under concentrated high-rise, you find this very hard at all once most architectural form. Visit the area in change from river north mouth and south bank area, come the main body building of blessing person is as seeing thick wall stand over the old port city of vicissitudes of life, guiding back thickly dotted, short the reinforced concrete forest of most cut, have quite turn up one's nose at the imply of a large number of heroes, but also let a person feel weightlessness at the same time. We play port city of big day day door to be below its contrast as a child, small old old, more resemble coming an atrium small square of blessing person. This lets me remember look down at from headroom emancipatory tablet, it is under concentrated high-rise, you find this very hard at all once most architectural form. Also have say, was in 2015 blessing person building site leaves when building, ever discovered one end length 140 meters ancient city wall, be located in day day the door and on the west between floodgate, accordingly broad citizen sponsors proposal, the appeal should protect Chongqing " whole world the unique, country city wall that has hill city distinguishing feature most " . Also have say, was in 2015 blessing person building site leaves when building, ever discovered one end length 140 meters ancient city wall, be located in day day the door and on the west between floodgate, accordingly broad citizen sponsors proposal, the appeal should protect Chongqing " whole world the unique, country city wall that has hill city distinguishing feature most " . Dock of door of day of station hold office at court looks up at the edifice that hoists the sails toward the day, very giant have imposing manner, can seeing be met here beforehand is costly, vogue, and libidinal ground. People may buy the goods with newest whole world here, but once strolled does old port city blow easy feeling of Jiang Feng to you still can have? Dock of door of day of station hold office at court looks up at the edifice that hoists the sails toward the day, very giant have imposing manner, can seeing be met here beforehand is costly, vogue, and libidinal ground. People may buy the goods with newest whole world here, but once strolled does old port city blow easy feeling of Jiang Feng to you still can have? This is I sit ferry goes from river north mouth when day day door, about of the peninsula in the change that aboard sees, deep-felt feeling gets, originally the port city of open, day day door that has imposing manner, appear more vicissitudes of life is more tiny, identify hard even. Day day hoists the sails to had finished thematic architectural to seal a top, crystal Lian Lang still is in business, allegedly the bottom can come out 2019, how do you look to this project? Be hold with or object? This is I sit ferry goes from river north mouth when day day door, about of the peninsula in the change that aboard sees, deep-felt feeling gets, originally the port city of open, day day door that has imposing manner, appear more vicissitudes of life is more tiny, identify hard even. Day day hoists the sails to had finished thematic architectural to seal a top, crystal Lian Lang still is in business, allegedly the bottom can come out 2019, how do you look to this project? Be hold with or object?
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