Raise feline experience: What does the expression of feline tinea have? How is judgement feline tine

A few host that did not raise experience, the likelihood does not know feline tinea has what kind of show. When feline Mi grows feline tinea, the meeting on feline Mi body has a similar and scabby tinea piece, the place of may long tinea still can drop wool. Mi can feel the cat to itch and flinch often crawly, or often loiter a few objects flinch crawly. When feline Mi grows tinea, pet host should adopt measure in time to help feline Mi handle feline tinea.

1: Notice segregation does good sanitation

When feline Mi grows feline tinea, the segregation that pet host wants to do good cat Mi works. Host does not let feline Mi follow the kitten Mi of other to contact, can close feline Mi inside a feline basket alone alone, or inside a cubby. Bestow favor on owner person to want to notice the sanitation of feline Mi living environment next, do not let feline Mi go to damp place activity. Host should give the every day object of feline Mi clean use to feline Mi again, perhaps buy new every day object to feline Mi.

2: Help cat Mi handles feline tinea

After host rises feline Mi segregation, want seasonable help cat Mi to handle feline tinea, host can help wool of feline Mi shave first, the hair that is in long tinea gives shave weak point, if feline Mi hair is too long, with respect to the breed that can conduce to feline tinea. After host gives feline Mi shave hair, can spray completely with a few mew be in in long tinea, wear hoary head of a Yi Lisha to cover to feline Mi next, do not let feline Mi lick lap to catch flinch long tinea is in. Feline Mi long tinea is very urticant, pet host can eat to feline Mi some bestow favor on urticant interest.

3: Notice the complement of feline Mi nutrition

When feline Mi grows tinea, pet host notices the complement of feline Mi nutrition even, host is not fed to feline Mi only eat onefold feline food, because the nutrition in feline food is very few. Host can feed those who feed and so on of cod-liver oil of a few new orchid, carrot, pet to feline Mi, still can mix in feline food next feed B of a few interesting vitamins to eat to feline Mi.

When weather is good, pet host should let feline Mi bask appropriately. What must notice feline Mi living environment at ordinary times is wholesome, notice feline Mi hair is dry even, mi giving a cat bathes to must be blown in time dry.

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