Drama of sweet sweet ending appears: Bright and beautiful look for phoenix holiday to marry, sui He

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Chase after these days " ashes of sweet sweet heavy is like frost " netizens scamper boiler, "Phoenix saves a soul only, as expected intelligence is not whole " " I think his whats know, as a result he is only foolish actually bird " " bright and beautiful look for you to unite 6 " " bright and beautiful look for you to die quickly, let phoenix 40 degrees wear ermine " " cruel wife temporarily bright, chase after wife crematory " " knowing is bright and beautiful look for take do not remove a knife, still be phoenix waved " next story clue is such:

Bright and beautiful look for those who discovered day emperor and Sui He to talk, be informed all plot that are him. Did not think of day emperor is used actually strong.

Drama of sweet sweet ending appears: Bright and beautiful look for phoenix holiday to marry, sui He is a murderer eventually by get behind!

Bright and beautiful look for discovered phoenix turns over bite, go finding drug.

Drama of sweet sweet ending appears: Bright and beautiful look for phoenix holiday to marry, sui He is a murderer eventually by get behind!

It is really fierce that Xu Fengfa shows Sui He.

Drama of sweet sweet ending appears: Bright and beautiful look for phoenix holiday to marry, sui He is a murderer eventually by get behind!

Xu Fenggen did not plan to follow spic He Baitang originally, confuse her early dizzy, preparation lets fine gold flower pretend to be, when dress and make up of fine gold flower dresses up, the celestial being below the month arrives, a few people steal Long Zhuaifeng Jiang Liuying to change Cheng Jin to look for.

Drama of sweet sweet ending appears: Bright and beautiful look for phoenix holiday to marry, sui He is a murderer eventually by get behind! Drama of sweet sweet ending appears: Bright and beautiful look for phoenix holiday to marry, sui He is a murderer eventually by get behind!

Attack after Mr Chi hides in pillar, let with dummy art bright and beautiful look for with Xu Fengbai hall.

Drama of sweet sweet ending appears: Bright and beautiful look for phoenix holiday to marry, sui He is a murderer eventually by get behind! Drama of sweet sweet ending appears: Bright and beautiful look for phoenix holiday to marry, sui He is a murderer eventually by get behind! Drama of sweet sweet ending appears: Bright and beautiful look for phoenix holiday to marry, sui He is a murderer eventually by get behind! Drama of sweet sweet ending appears: Bright and beautiful look for phoenix holiday to marry, sui He is a murderer eventually by get behind! Drama of sweet sweet ending appears: Bright and beautiful look for phoenix holiday to marry, sui He is a murderer eventually by get behind!
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